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financial fraud

Fraudulent UK banking transactions to total 38 million over next five years

A study from Juniper Research asserts that the number of fraudulent banking and money transfer transactions in the UK will increase 111% over the next five years, from 4.2 million in 2024 to 8.8 million in 2029. 

Despite the UK being one of the most technologically developed FDP (Fraud Detection & Prevention) markets, it anticipates additional measures, such as AI-based real-time FDP, will be required to mitigate the growing threat of fraud.

The UK Fraud Detection & Prevention in the Banking Market 2024-2029 report predicts the UK’s upcoming PSR (Payment Systems Regulator) reimbursement regulation will significantly impact fintechs’ adoption of FDP solutions.

The regulation aims to reduce fast-growing APP (Authorised Push Payment) fraud; the act of fraudsters tricking their victims into willingly making large bank transfers. However, increasing concerns surround the regulation’s impact on faster payments; potentially slowing them to ensure APPs are legitimate.

Therefore, AI needs to be implemented into FDP systems to enable financial institutions to quickly identify APP fraud without diminishing the value of faster payments.

However, the research also identified data sharing between stakeholders in the payments landscape as vital to maximising the value of FDP solutions, especially within faster payments where real-time fraud detection will be key. 

Report author Cara Malone explained: “The plethora of data collected throughout the payments processes will be utilised to develop several different FDP tools, ranging from behavioural biometrics to identification.”

Photo by Alex Tai on Unsplash

‘One million attacks on global financial sector in 120 days’

BlackBerry’s latest Global Threat Intelligence Report has revealed threat actors focusing efforts on targeting high-value data held by the global financial sector, with one million attacks logged over the 120 day period.

This “death by a million cuts” is revealed to be using mainly commodity malware, which indicates a large number of independent actors targeting the industry in pursuit of financial gain. Critical infrastructure attacks, including those targeting government, financial, healthcare and communications industries, altogether accounted for 62 percent of industry-related attacks over the report period, September to December 2023. 

The BlackBerry Threat Research and Intelligence team registered a 27 percent uptick in novel malware to 3.7 new malicious samples per minute prevented by its AI-powered cybersecurity solutions, compared to 2.9 per minute in the previous reporting period. Overall, BlackBerry claims its cybersecurity solutions stopped 31 attacks every minute, a 19 percent increase on the last reporting period. 

“We’re consistently seeing increased volumes of attack in highly lucrative industries using novel malware,” said Ismael Valenzuela, Vice President of Threat Research and Intelligence at BlackBerry. “Novel malware typically indicates specific motivations from threat actors towards particular attack targets with intent to evade defences, which are often based on static signatures. We’ve reached a pivotal point where traditional detection methods alone are not enough to combat this increasingly complex problem. AI is already being weaponised by malicious entities, so it must equally be the dominant tool for detection and defence.” 

Highlights from the latest BlackBerry Global Threat Intelligence Report include: 

  • 62 percent of industry-related attacks targeted critical industries: Digitization and the prospect of debilitating national infrastructure attracted notorious gangs and Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) groups who attempt to exploit security misconfigurations and vulnerabilities for varying motives. 
  • Commercial enterprises also under attack: 33 percent of all threats targeted commercial enterprises (including retail, manufacturing, automotive and professional services), with the majority (53 percent) of those deploying information-stealing (Infostealer) malware with the aim of accessing highly sensitive data.  
  • Rapid weaponization of CVEs by Threat Actors: Ransomware gangs observed taking advantage of new Zero Day vulnerabilities and mass mobilizing against potentially vulnerable targets, with zero-day exploits motivating profiteer groups.  

Based on its data analysis, the BlackBerry Threat Intelligence and Research team predicts that 2024 will bring an increase in attacks targeting critical infrastructure and other profitable segments. VPN appliances will likely remain desirable targets for nation-state-level threat actors and it is anticipated that there will be a continued increase in supply chain cyberattacks targeting hardware and software vulnerabilities. Further, APAC will likely see an increase in attacks from China and North Korea, particularly financially-motivated attacks. 

Photo by Jeffrey Blum on Unsplash