
eConnect is an online platform which provides current, year-round news and analysis from key industry sectors. Born out of the success of our existing and ever-growing events portfolio, our fortnightly eConnect newsletters bring together the latest industry news, topical content, recruitment opportunities and event information directly to your inbox.

WEBINAR: Unlock your revenue potential – Strategic chargeback management for EMEA payment leaders

960 640 Stuart O'Brien

As chargebacks are projected to reach $165 billion by the end of 2024, ecommerce payments professionals are facing an unprecedented challenge—yet most are leaving 40% or more of disputes uncontested, leading to substantial revenue losses. This webinar will dive into the root causes, including the rise of first-party fraud and why neglecting to fight chargeback…

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AI MONTH: Identifying the key anti-fraud use cases in your organisation

960 640 Stuart O'Brien

AI is revolutionising the fight against financial fraud, offering sophisticated solutions that can outsmart even the most sophisticated fraudsters. Here are some of the key ways AI is being deployed by delegates at the Fraud Protection Summit… Real-time Transaction Monitoring: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of transaction data in real-time, identifying suspicious patterns and…

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TIme is running out to attend the Fraud Prevention Summit

960 640 Stuart O'Brien

Can you join 60 of your peers as a delegate at the Fraud Prevention Summit on the 6th November 2024 in London? Places are running out fast! Attendance to the is completely FREE and includes meetings with top suppliers, inspiration and knowledge sharing from our educational speakers, opportunities to network with your peers, lunch and refreshments throughout, and much more!…

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Should the SFO be scrapped? The IEA thinks so

960 640 Stuart O'Brien

The Institute of Economic Affairs has published a paper asserting the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) should be replaced with a new body dedicated to combating economic crime with greater emphasis on prevention. In the paper, the IEA says the SFO has been plagued by a series of high-profile failures, ‘including ethical misconduct and incompetence’. In…

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ANTI-FRAUD MONTH: Behavioural biometrics is a powerful tool – but how does it work?

960 640 Stuart O'Brien

Behavioural biometrics, a subset of biometric technology, analyses individual user behaviours to verify identity. Unlike traditional biometrics like fingerprints or facial recognition, behavioural biometrics focus on how users interact with devices, making them more difficult to spoof. Here’s a handy cheat sheet… How BEHAVIOURAL Biometrics Works Behavioral biometrics tracks various user behaviors, including: Typing patterns: The rhythm, speed, and pressure applied to keys. Mouse…

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If you specialise in AI for Fraud Prevention we want to hear from you!

960 640 Stuart O'Brien

Each month on Fraud Prevention Briefing we’re shining the spotlight on a different part of the market – and in September we’ll be focussing on AI for Fraud Prevention. It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help industry buyers find the best products and services available today. So, if you specialise in AI for Fraud…

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The Holy Grail: Secure, seamless user authentication in payments

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By Feedzai Consumers seek a smooth, frictionless user authentication process. Merchants must ensure that online payment methods and transactions are safe from fraud. Feedzai, an AI fraud prevention platform for Acquirers, explains how businesses and merchants can deliver an online payment experience that achieves both. Security – the right controls at the right time based on the…

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ANTI-FRAUD MONTH: Identifying core and specialist solutions for retail and financial services

960 640 Stuart O'Brien

The retail and financial services sectors are prime targets for fraudsters. For senior anti-fraud professionals, understanding and deploying the right anti-fraud solutions is crucial. Here are the key solutions in demand among delegates at the Fraud Prevention Summit… Core Anti-Fraud Solutions Fraud Prevention Systems: These systems use algorithms and machine learning to identify suspicious transactions in real-time. Identity…

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AI-enhanced malicious attacks and soft ransomware targets front of mind for risk execs

960 640 Stuart O'Brien

Concern about artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced malicious attacks have again topped Gartner’s emerging risk rankings in the second quarter of 2024, while new concerns regarding soft ransomware targets are also coming to the forefront of enterprise risks. “Similar to AI-enhanced malicious attacks, soft ransomware targets require minimal experience and cost to cause significant financial and reputational…

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Research points to Business Email Compromise as new frontier in AI-powered fraud

960 640 Stuart O'Brien

A report has highlighted the ingenuity of cyber criminals in using AI to evade detection and maliciously scam individuals and enterprises, analysing 1.8 billion emails globally and detecting 226.45 million spam emails and 16.91 million malicious URLs to identify the email threat trends that impact enterprises the most.  VIPRE Security Group’s Q2 2024 Email Threat Trends…

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